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Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday, Day 59 - Just waiting!

During Nati's pregancy her normal routine has been pretty much maintained...
Nati spends at least a part of most every weekday with Kathy while Dave and I our at work. Kathy will pick her up at some point to go have all kinds of fun,  walks in a large park near where we live, spends times with Kathy and Mark's grandkids, spends time hanging out at Kathy and Marks house or maybe at one of Kathy's daughters houses, goes for rides when Kathy runs errands, etc.etc.  Kathy, her husband Mark and their family are longtime friends of our family; actually, they are more than friends they are extended family... :-) Kathy, and Mark consider Nati one of their Granddogs. When Nati first came to live with us, Kathy and three of her grandkids (I think there are 15 total now) came to visit us hours after we got her home, brought her her first "pink toy", gave her the moniker of "Princess" and the rest has been history... Truthfully, Nati may be one of the luckiest dogs around with the love and attention she gets from so many. She is spoiled but she still is treated like a dog...We are really are blessed. Now that Nati is expecting Kathy and Mark are anticipating being Great Grandparents to the grand pups... and a lucky bunch of puppies they will be...
Last night after taking care of our cows and doing some other chores I sat quietly with Nati as she stretched out on the couch; watching and feeling the puppies move around in her tummy. They were pretty active and Nati just chilled. I've added a picture  though not the best picture of some of our cows/ calves. We had a full calf crop of 8 this year.  It appears that both Cows and Dals are being highly productive at Oakwood Farm this year!

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