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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Puppy Names!

Puppies need to have names so they learn individually who they are when you call them - it's part of the process. Up to a few days ago everyone was known by a collar of rickrack. We'll we have been racking our brains to come up with names and finally we have some - at least these will be there names while they are still with us - when they go to their forever homes many will get new names from their owners.

 So until then here we go...
Uno (Orange - First born - Liver male)

Zamboni (Blue - 2nd born - Liver male)

Name known but new owner wants to share it - it is a character from a favorite book of his ( Lt Blue - 3rd Born  - Black male
Pebbles (Lt. Pink 3 wk picture - 4th born - Liver female)

Amare (Yellow - 5th born - Liver female)

Ringo (Red - 6th born - Black male)

Pippa (Purple - 7th born - Liver female) 

Diamond Sparkle (8th born - Liver female)

Baci (means Kisses) (Hot Pink - 9th born - Black female.


caralawson said...

Oh my gosh I want one of those puppies!! I know I say that all the time but I seriously love them! Especially that little Ringo! So sweet!

SueMac said...

Good names, but they will always be colors to me!

Anonymous said...

Let it be known that #3 Light Blue is now named Mouse.