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Monday, December 19, 2011

"The Hurrider I go the Behinder I Get"! And "Happy 4 Month Birthday to Nati's Nine"

Strange title for many I'm sure but that is my life these days it seems. The saying is a memory for me from a childhood trip we took to Amish country in the Lancaster PA area. In fact I remember one of the things bought on the trip by my Mom was a hot plate that had this statement. The hotplate is long gone but for some reason this quote stuck with me and for many reasons it has been resonating in my head a lot lately.

I am so far behind in all I have wanted to post. I will still get in the information that I've missed the past few weeks but just not now. Just not enough time to add the pictures etc. I just could not let today pass though  without posting a birthday message to the pups. An update - currently we have 3 pups at home but actually haven't had all 3 there except for a couple of days this month since they have each been going to week long sleep overs with our friend Cat and Lynn. Lots to tell about these experiences but that will have to come later. Right after Christmas Zamboni will go to his forever home. That will leave Baci and Pippa to keep Nati company.  I promise a full report on where everyone is soon.
Happy Birthday Sweet Puppies!

Nati and the Nine just 4 months ago!!!!

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