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Friday, October 14, 2011

Tomorrow the Nine are 8 Weeks Old ....

Oh my where has the time gone? I have been soooooooooo busy ( work & home) that I haven't been able to post anything. There has been much that has gone on and if my thoughts could have been transferred directly to the blog you would have gotten tired of reading. It has been a week of juggling, Dave was out of town since last Saturday on a business trip to Europe. So the question is how many balls can I keep in the air at the same time? Work, Nine active pups & their Momma Nati, a herd of 18 beef cattle, a side business selling Avon, 4-H Club (thank goodness we are on a seasonal break), and Ohio State Alumni Club activities  I'm treasurer) etc., etc. One day I'll realize I can't do it all !!!
8 weeks, WOW, didn't we just start on this journey of  the "reality" show Nati Plus Nine? Seriously, there is nothing like watching puppies change and grow to put into perspective how quickly time passes by and how easily it is to take that time for granted. Puppies will start leaving tomorrow and preparations for them going to their forever homes was added to the list of to do's this week. There is paperwork to complete, little send off bags to prepare for each pup to make their transition easier, etc. Their eight week birthday will be both happy and sad - very happy because I the pups are going to Excellent homes but sad since the Nine will no longer be together. Puppies are lots of work but they provide so much enjoyment -

I have lots of pictures I would love to share and will eventually but at the moment I'll include only a few random shots!

If interested in seeing stacked shots of the pups go to this link

Vi & Ringo

Jan & Ringo

Vi & Uno

Judy & Zamboni

Friends & Puppies

Cindy with Ringo
Play time outside

Weed my flowers please!!!
Off to the Vet for our First Shots and Physicals!

Monica weighing pups with Dave helping!
Dr. Tim Wolf DVM- Mason Animal Hospital
He and his staff provide wonderful care for Nati and her Nine!

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