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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Joy and The Pain.....

of Motherhood! I think we all know the joy Nati is having with her babies but what about the pain. The pain I'm referring to is the pain that is inflicted on Momma during nursing when those little needle teeth appear in all their glory.... and YES, last night when we did our evening puppy chores (weights, snuggles, general lookovers, more snuggles, etc., etc.) I found the teeth had started to erupt. One or two of  the pups had them out completely, ouch for Nati! This explains their new found joy in trying to take their brother or sisters leg, back, head or whatever in their mouth. It is so funny to watch. Wish you could all see it. :-).

On another note...
I've been asked if we've named them... no we haven't and the main reason is to attempt not to become too attached just in case they are bilaterally deaf. I hope and pray that won't be the case. Both Nati and James are hearing bilateral and their pedigree's are good in the hearing stats but nature can play dirty tricks so we have to try and be prepared. So for the time being they are referred to by their colors and truth be told one or more may have a little nickname and in some cases the nickname was tagged at birth...sorry but won't share those at least not now. :-)
More later....Gotta go for now....have a great day!

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