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Monday, November 14, 2011

It's about AMARE! And on 11-12-11 Nati's Nine turned 12 Weeks Old

Sweet Amare is now living with her forever family in South Carolina. She is the one pup that will get to winter in warm weather... :-). Thanks Donna for bringing us all together! We met Amare's new family (Karen, Shack, & new big brother - Logan - a black & white 6 year old Dal) in Knoxville on Saturday. Our trip to Knoxville went well and so far all the pups have been good travelers - Yeah! Karen's big concern was if Logan ( an only dog for nearly 6 years) would accept Amare and within minutes of them meeting they looked like they had been together forever. (I've included pictures of Amare and her family) The most important thing when placing pups is making sure they have loving homes and so far all of the pups have just that - warm and loving families. We've also been very fortunate that all the new members of our extended family have been keeping us posted on how things are progressing with the pups. :-) Thanks everyone!
Enjoy the pictures...
Sparkle and Baci nice and comfy on Friday...

Amare on Friday evening

Zamboni took Amare's spot! What's up with this?

Baci & Amare on Friday evening.

Amare giving Kathy a kiss, Saturday  before the trip to Knoxville!

Dave & Amare before heading to Knoxville... amare giving more kisses!

Amare & her pig on the trip!

Amare asleep on the trip!

Karen, Amare, Logan and Shack taking a walk to get acquainted!

Family Portrait!

Pippa & Baci on Sunday!

Zamboni - stretched out and comfy!

Sparkle & Baci today -Monday morning!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Random Pictures! Enjoy -

No time to write - Here are some random pictures ...
Pictures below are from our friend Steve. He brought his daughter Kylie and son Quinn over Sunday to visit the pups. No doubt kids, puppies and also the adults enjoyed the visit! :-)

The pictures that follow here are random shots of mischievious pups and their Mom from the past few days
You caught me in Mom's crate!


Pebbles and Baci taking a snooze!


You caught me in the act ....

Nati exploring the pups crates - turn about is fair play - right!

Sparkle with a kong toy.



I like this perch!

Sparkle like the soft perch too!

Amare exploring her Mom's toy trove...
Zamboni and Amare found something fun of their Moms!

Nati happy that a couple of her pups escaped into her room so she could play with them!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

11 Weeks Old Now - Puppy Tails (& Tales) & Football

Saturday November 5, 2011 - Nati's Nine had their 11 Week Birthday! It was a beautiful Ohio Fall Day, the sun was out, the air crisp and chilly. A perfect day for football, puppies romping in the yard, a bonfire and many other things a day like this allows. So what did the pups get for their birthday? A Bath, their nails clipped and a few pictures taken plus they spent time in Dave's cave watching TV not just TV but Football - the Ohio State Football game ( Go Bucks!) and then bits and pieces of some other games. The pups played mostly but every so often they would focus on the TV. It is fun to watch them try to figure out what is happening on the screen. :-)

On the topic of football those that know me well know that I am an OSU alumnus and very active in all that is Ohio State. I have season football tickets and this the first year since my freshman year in college that I have yet to go to a game. Amazing but when you committ to something like have a litter of pups that has to come first - our weekends are very much comsumed with all that is puppy. Mentioning this not to complain but to make a note that many things are important in life and yes OSU is still very important ( we even planned our wedding around OSU activities!)(Dave is a UC Grad but he went along with my shenagins), in the case of this season, Nati's litter was the most important thing. We still have one home game that we may make but we'll see. There are dog shows in Columbus that weekend so we might be doing football and Dalmatians -that has happened before. LOL - I've shown and then off to the game we went!

I've added a fun video of some happenings of the day...

Stacked Shots Puppies at 11 Weeks...

Zamboni (Blue) - Liver Boy

Sparkle (Sparkle Green) Liver Girl

Pippa (Purple) Liver Girl

Baci (Hot Pink) Black Girl

Amare (Yellow) Liver Girl - Soon to live in South Carolina
Pebbles (Light Pink) Liver Girl
 Until next time..